
VEPP-2000 running in Round Beam mode

Submitted by dshwartz on Sat, 12/17/2016 - 19:17

During summer shutdown further modifications of BEP were done. Two modern pickups were installed. Two copper mirrors for synchrotron radiation based beam diagnostics were changed due to insufficient quality. The new SR outlet for future material science experiments was equiped with movable water cooled absorber. At the end of the K-500 tunnel the Faraday cup was installed for absolute beam charge measurements.

The 2015/2016 season short chrono

Submitted by dshwartz on Sat, 12/17/2016 - 18:23

20.07.2015 – The magnetic measurements of BEP magnets are finished.
08.10.2015 – BEP magnets are assembled at site.
23.12.2015 – Vacuum of 10-6 Pa is pumped at BEP.
16.01.2016 – BEP is fully assembled, powered and ready for beam
27.01.2016 – First е- captured to BEP (at 390 MeV)!
16.02.2016 – Beam current achieved 500 mA at BEP during beam scrubbing.
21.03.2016 – The BEP-VEPP transfer channel assembly is finished.
22.03.2016 – Beam extracted from BEP.

Electron beam back @ VEPP-2000.

Submitted by dshwartz on Wed, 05/04/2016 - 01:46

Since the beginning of the year we were working hardly to bring the beam from booster synchrotron BEP to VEPP-2000 storage ring. Transportation channels with new dipoles capable to work @ 1 GeV were assembled and aligned precisely. The beam step-by-step moved through the beamline controled @ two types of BPMs.

First beam @ BEP!

Submitted by dshwartz on Thu, 01/28/2016 - 00:46

Great news! First electron beam captured into upgraded booster BEP. Synchrotron light of tiny beam is visible by CCD or naked eye.